NSSCC National Grand Final 2024
The eight winning teams from around the country will compete in the 2024 NSSCC National Grand Final on Wednesday 28th August 2024 at MIT, South Auckland.
Rules and Criteria
The National Grand Final, NSSCC 2024
The NSSCC National Grand Final consists of eight (8) finalist teams from around New Zealand who won the online entry competition for their region. Each Regional finalist team represents their school and region at the NSSCC National Grand Final.
The team consists of the teacher [Team Manager] and the two competitors who need to:
Be available to attend the 2024 NSSCC Grand Final and the NZ Culinary Journey on the 28th and 29th August in Auckland.
Agree to photography which will be used for promotional purposes.
For the live final each team is required to:
Cook and present, individually plated, four (4) identical portions of the entrée with PARSNIP as the hero ingredient, that they submitted for the online regional event.
Minor refinements are allowed. The following are not permitted: new methods of cookery, new ingredients or large changes to the current ingredients.
Cook and present, individually plated, four (4) identical portions of a main course.
This main course dish is to include:
Waitoa Chicken Breast - bone in, skin on - known as the Supreme Cut. One (1) per portion. It can be brought to the competition as either a whole chicken OR as a supreme cut. The designed dish may include chicken with or without the bone and/or skin.
At least three (3) servings of New Zealand grown fresh vegetables. No type of mushroom can be included, as fungi are not in the growing group of our Vegetables.co.nz sponsor.
A starch vegetable. For example, kūmara, yam, pumpkin, parsnip. Potatoes are not permitted.
A sauce, vegetable purée or jus is to be included.
Fresh New Zealand grown herbs may be used.
Note: The judging schedule and further information will be given to Regional finalist teams after they are announced.
Team Managers have the opportunity to attend two online forums in preparation for the final. The Chief Judge and Event Manager will provide final details, logistics and answer queries.
Requirements before the competition:
Recipe Template and Description Cards
Competitors must provide two (2) copies of their recipes using the template from the NSSCC website. This includes weights, ingredients and methods.
Two description cards must be supplied [as the dish is described on a menu]. This should be computer generated and written in English.
The two (2) Recipe templates and two (2) Description cards are taken into the kitchen for display with the competitors’ work on the judges' and display tables.
The recipes and dish description cards become the property of NSSCC and will be used for promotional purposes.
Previous National Title Winners:
Competitors who have won the National Title are not permitted to enter the NSSCC again. Students may enter the competition twice.
Competitor Age:
Competitors must be 15 years + old at the time of the National Final on 28th August 2024
The Competition:
Competitors MUST supply all food items and necessary equipment to prepare, cook and serve their dishes during the NSSCC final.
Competitors are advised not to bring additional display materials, as these are not marked.
Once a live competition has started, there is no communication between the competitors or between the competitors and supporters outside the kitchen. If communication does take place, the competitor/s will be disqualified immediately.
Once a live competition has started, no equipment, food, liquids or other associated items may be bought into the kitchen for the competitors under any circumstances.
The time allocation for the competition classes will be strictly enforced. Provided there are no unforeseen difficulties, ¼, ½ and ¾ times will be given. A 10 minutes-to-go call will be given and from 5 minutes remaining, every minute will be called.
When the allotted time is up, competitors will be able to continue finishing the event, however, the following penalties apply:
5 marks are removed if the dish is presented 1 minute late and a further 1 mark will be deducted for each further minute to a maximum of 5 minutes.
If the competitors have not presented all dishes 5 minutes after the allocated finish time, the competitors will receive a DNC or DNP [did not complete or did not present] on the judging sheets. In live competitions ALL plates must be off the bench and in transit, within the competition allocated time.
If the competitors serve RAW or inedible food, they will receive a DNC [did not complete]. Temperature probes may be used by the judges to test suitable temperature of served food items.
All enquiries during the competition should be directed to the Chief Judge. No conferring is permitted in any form. Conferring between parties will result in disqualification from the event.
The competition jacket [supplied] must be worn along with a skull cap and necktie [supplied by competitor]. An apron {supplied by competitor} may also be worn. Marks are deducted for incorrect uniform.
The Chief Judge or the Kitchen Manager [safety officer] has the right to remove any equipment deemed dangerous at any time during the competition.
Competitors are required to clean their stoves and equipment at the end of the competition. Marks will be deducted if this is not carried out.
No trolleys will be allowed in the kitchen other than for transport into the kitchen. All trolleys must be removed to a safe place prior to start of the competition.
Extreme care must be taken with all deep fryer cookery – If judges deem practice by a competitor as unsafe, they will ask the competitor to stop the practice.
Liquid Nitrogen may only be used in accordance with the material safety data sheet #0048 as issued by BOC Limited. Any use of this material outside these guidelines will disqualify the competitor immediately.
MIT Kitchen
- A free-standing bench, sink and gas hob stove are allocated to each team.
- The following images are provided as a guide.

The Management team is not responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits, dishes, equipment or personal effects. Competitors are advised to suitably insure all personal equipment bought into the salon. It is the competitor's responsibility to cover this for personal use.
No responsibility will be taken for equipment that has been left behind at the end of the competitions and any equipment left on site at the close of the competition will be disposed of without further warning.
The organisers accept no responsibility for loss or damages to personal property or injuries whilst competing.
The decision of the judges in all matters relating to the competitions is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
The Worldchefs marking system is used in this competition. All competitors start with 100 (‘Gold with Distinction'), with marks deducted for non-compliance with the Guidelines. Competitors can receive Gold, Silver and Bronze medals with certificates in each class.
Medals and certificates will be awarded to competitors who achieve the following marks.
100 Gold Medal with Distinction.
90-99 Gold Medal.
80-89 Silver Medal.
70-79 Bronze Medal
<70 A certificate of merit may be awarded at the discretion of the Chief Judge.
Recipe and Ingredients Templates
All regional winning teams must have their Menu and Recipe templates emailed to info@nsscc.nz by Wednesday 21st August 2024. Please use the following templates.
NSSCC Dish Description
Please download and use this menu card for your Grand Final Entry.
NSSCC Recipe Template
Please download and use the Recipe and Methods Card for your Grand Final entry.
The NSSCC Awards Presentation
The event will be held at MIT during the NSSCC Awards dinner.
Medals and Certificates will be awarded to all Finalists.
Presentation to Team Managers (teachers).
(TBC): A Moffat E23M3 oven – value $3,500.
(TBC): Four Starter Packs valued at $250 to assist four students on their culinary careers in 2024/2025.
The Winning School receives:
A Moffat E23M3 oven – value $3,500.
A $1,000 Bidfood Credit to the winning School account.
The winning students will each receive a $250 Pressie card.
Total Final Prize Packages valued at over $10,000

The New Zealand Culinary Journey for all teams will be held on:
Thursday 29th August 2024.
All teams will be in Auckland for 2 days.
Accommodation will be provided as necessary.
Flights home should be made for after 4pm on Thursday, 29th August 2024
Further details regarding the events will be given to Regional Winners’ Team Managers.
The New Zealand Culinary Journey is supported by Bidfood, House of Knives, and vegetables.co.nz. Click here for more details of the sponsors.